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How to Use Data to Reach Your Organization’s Business Goals

November 2nd, 2023 | 11 min. read

By Eric Hills

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, data has emerged as the most valuable asset for organizations striving to stay ahead of the curve. Companies are swimming in a sea of information, collecting vast troves of data from various sources. Yet, amid this data deluge, a critical question remains: How can organizations effectively harness this wealth of information to drive strategic decision-making and reach their ultimate business goals? It’s a conundrum that many enterprises grapple with – possessing all the data in the world, but lacking the right tools to mold it into actionable insights that can guide their pricing strategies. This article unravels this intricate challenge and offers a compelling solution: the transformative power of data in pricing.

At Pricefx and WrangleWorks, we have years of combined experience in standing at the forefront of the pricing industry, and together, we take pride in transforming your data into informative and insightful pricing functions by deploying innovative software solutions to boost profits and growth in your businesses.

In this article, we will delve into the pivotal role data plays in achieving an organization’s business goals, outlining practical steps and the software tools needed to transform your data into the strategic compass that guides your pricing decisions.

So, let’s dig in by looking directly at the positive influence pricing software can have upon all that data your company has under the hood.

How Can Pricing Software Help You Leverage Data to Achieve Your Organization’s Business Goals?

Pricing software is a game-changer for leveraging data toward your business goals, whether it’s boosting margins, profits, volumes, or revenue. Begin with your core objectives: improved operations, profitability, and top and bottom-line growth. Think of the essential drivers: streamlined processes, valuable metrics, and seamless alignment. Here, pricing becomes the linchpin, a potent force influencing these critical factors.

Pricing is not simply another cog in the wheel; it is a central, intrinsic process woven into the fabric of your organizational goals.


Enter pricing software, the catalyst that can propel your organization toward these objectives.


It serves as the operational hub that translates your business aspirations into tangible results.

However, the linchpin’s effectiveness heavily relies on data. Your pricing software can only be as good as the data it operates on, and the insights it generates are equally reliant on the quality and availability of this data.

Data, therefore, stands as the cornerstone of pricing software, underpinning pricing operations and, consequently, business success.

Pricing software is the conduit through which data-driven decisions can breathe life into your organizational goals.

What Data Sources Do You Need to Integrate with Pricing Software?

When it comes to harnessing the power of pricing software and pricing analytics, the possibilities are vast. One of the most fundamental insights revolves around transactional price and profitability analytics.

Picture this: you want to know your average prices and pricing trends over time, as well as the profitability of different segments or product groups. To achieve this, you need more than just transactional data; you require a solid foundation of reference data pertaining to your products and customers.


This is a critical element often overlooked by many organizations.


Sometimes, pricing software is only fed with transactional data, such as orders or invoices, and information about products and customers is inferred from the transactions themselves. However, this approach is risky and fraught with problems.


What truly empowers pricing software is having direct access to primary sources of product and customer reference data.

With all of these data sources in place, you can build a rich and dependable understanding of these entities. Consequently, you’ll be better equipped to conduct comprehensive and robust analytics within your pricing software. These analytics are the linchpin to unlocking pricing insights, along with broader market insights that extend to marketing and sales strategies. It is these insights that fuel the engine of success in pricing strategies and beyond.

Integrating data sources unlocks vast knowledge. You decode pricing intricacies and acquire market intelligence. By merging transactional and product-customer data, you gain insights shaping pricing, marketing, and sales. Reliable foundations turn your pricing software into a dynamic guide, optimizing prices, and understanding customers and markets.

So, remember, when you think about what data sources to integrate with your pricing software, go beyond transactions and embrace the richness of product and customer data.

How Does Pricing Software Analyze Customer Behavior & Market Trends to Inform Pricing Strategies?

With all of these data sources in place, you can build a rich and dependable understanding of these entities. Consequently, you’ll be better equipped to conduct comprehensive and robust analytics within your pricing software. These analytics are the linchpin to unlocking pricing insights, along with broader market insights that extend to marketing and sales strategies. It is these insights that fuel the engine of success in pricing strategies and beyond.

Integrating data sources unlocks vast knowledge. You decode pricing intricacies and acquire market intelligence. By merging transactional and product-customer data, you gain insights shaping pricing, marketing, and sales. Reliable foundations turn your pricing software into a dynamic guide, optimizing prices, and understanding customers and markets.


So, remember, when you think about what data sources to integrate with your pricing software, go beyond transactions and embrace the richness of product and customer data.

1.  The longer you’ve been running your pricing software and the more historical data it accumulates, the richer your insights become

This historical dataset forms the foundation for analyzing behaviors and trends. Think of it as a treasure trove of information that captures the evolving dynamics of your pricing landscape over time.


To truly harness this power, you need enough good data. An abundance of good data enables you to spot patterns, track changes, and make informed decisions.

2.  It’s not just about having heaps of data; it’s about having the right data

Rich customer and product segmentation, along with market segmentation and reference data, are essential ingredients in this analytical recipe. These elements allow you to conduct robust analytics, unveiling nuanced insights into how different customer segments respond to pricing changes and how various product lines perform in the market. With this clarity, you can tailor your pricing strategies with precision, addressing the unique needs and preferences of your customer base.

But here’s where it gets even more exciting.

3.  To gain a comprehensive view of your performance and market dynamics, consider tapping into third-party data sources.

The beauty of modern pricing software lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate these external data streams using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These third-party data sources aggregate valuable information about market demand, product sectors, and more. By incorporating this data into your pricing system, you can examine your performance not just within your organization’s four walls but also against broader market trends and customer dynamics. It’s like opening a new window into your pricing universe, allowing you to stay agile and responsive in a constantly evolving marketplace.

Pricing software isn’t just a tool; it’s your compass in navigating the complex seas of customer behavior and market trends, guiding you toward pricing excellence.

What Features Does Pricing Software Offer to Derive Actionable Insights from Your Data?

Pricing software is a powerful platform that offers a unique advantage when it comes to uncovering pricing and profitability insights. What makes it truly fantastic is its independence and flexibility, setting it apart from the constraints of traditional ERP systems and accounting standards. This independence allows pricing teams, as well as cross-functional players like marketing and sales teams, CFOs, and CEOs, to dive deep into market-focused financial analysis. It’s like having a canvas where you can paint a vivid picture of your pricing and profit landscape without worrying about accounting intricacies and compliance standards. This freedom enables you to optimize your data, segmentation, and metrics for price and profitability performance, customer segmentation, and product segmentation.

By harnessing the Pricing Platform’s capabilities, you gain an invaluable tool for understanding your business’s intricacies and performance. It empowers you to define the metrics that matter most to your go-to-market strategies. These insights, born from a place of independence and adaptability, become the foundation for refining your business strategies and tactics. It’s not just another data source; it’s an analytics powerhouse that unlocks opportunities not readily available within the confines of an ERP system or a corporate data warehouse. Pricing software provides a playground for data-driven decision-makers, allowing them to dissect and refine their pricing strategies with precision, ultimately driving success in the dynamic business landscape. So, whether you are a pricing specialist, a CFO, or a CEO, this tool offers a versatile and potent ally in your quest for actionable insights and strategic excellence.

To dig deeper into the weeds on the intricate ways pricing strategy partners can help you achieve your business goals, click on the image below to register to watch this great webinar and the rest of the entire webinar library on-demand.


If you are already registered to watch our library of webinar content, click here to watch now.



Some Real-World Pricing Strategies Accessible with Data-Driven Pricing Software

Let’s jump into some real-world pricing strategies that become accessible with the power of data-driven pricing software. One such strategy is attribute-based pricing, which relies heavily on data for its effectiveness. Imagine this: your organization offers a vast array of products, each with numerous attributes, such as materials, capacity, and intended application. Trying to manually set prices for the countless combinations of these attributes would be an impossible feat. This is where attribute-based pricing steps in as a scalable solution. It leverages the characteristics of your products as the foundation for price and margin differentiation.

In your pricing software, optimize prices for attribute combinations. For example, in manufacturing, materials, performance, and applications affect prices.



With the right data, craft pricing strategies based on attributes, aligning with customer-perceived value. Data-driven pricing streamlines complexity and boosts profitability for each product.

Attribute-based pricing is just one piece of the puzzle in the world of data-driven pricing strategies. Another intriguing approach is competitive price benchmarking. This strategy relies on rich and reliable data about your competitors’ pricing, coupled with cross-references between their product offerings and yours. It’s like a chess match where you need to stay one step ahead of your rivals. With data-driven pricing software, you can effortlessly gather and analyze this competitive data, allowing you to benchmark your prices effectively. This strategy empowers you to fine-tune your pricing strategies based on market dynamics, ensuring that you remain competitive and attractive to customers.

These are just a couple of examples of how data-driven pricing software opens doors to innovative pricing strategies, providing organizations with a competitive edge in a dynamic market landscape. By harnessing data, you can create pricing strategies that are not only scalable but also finely tuned to capture market opportunities and maximize profitability.

Going Beyond Data Quality and Readiness

Assess data quantity and quality, also consider coverage and enrichment for value. Data needs ongoing attention, just like pricing. Decide what data to integrate—system of record or copy? Opt for the system as a primary repository for analytics. This approach empowers pricing, sales, and marketing without limits.

Think broadly, for the potential business benefits of using the pricing system as the primary repository for go-to-market analytics—price to profitability, customer segmentation, and product segmentation—far outweigh the minimal risks of data duplication and modification.  So, the answer to the question of what data should go in and be published is clear: bring in as much as possible, align your organization’s understanding, and let the tool and data empower your pricing strategies without limits.

Data & Pricing Software – Weave Them into Your Company’s Fabric

Now you know in this digital age where data reigns supreme, businesses have the potential to revolutionize their pricing strategies by unlocking the hidden gems within their data troves – and with pricing software – unearthed a road to data-driven pricing success that is navigable.

Pricing software should be deeply connected to your business, not as a mere tool but as a foundational system on par with ERP and CRM systems, deeply interwoven into an organization’s operations, thereby ensuring that essential data, like customer and product reference information, flows effortlessly and is readily accessible. What’s more, data should be reciprocally shared between the pricing system and other critical departments. The true power of pricing software is unleashed when it becomes not just a tool but a fully connected and integrated asset, capable of delivering maximum impact across the entire enterprise.

If you are an organization looking for pricing software with a system integration partnership focus, then we recommend learning more about the Pricefx Advantage Partner Network and the role that WrangleWorks plays in it.

Or to learn more about the benefits of partner-led system integration, check out the handy article below:


Happy Pricing!

Eric Hills

CEO , WrangleWorks

Eric Hills is the CEO of WrangleWorks. Creativity and attention to detail are his passions, always innovating to make things work better. For 20-plus years, he has helped industrial companies adopt front-office technology. Now his focus is on the Achilles heel of many business - dirty data - building WrangleWorks to automate data work and feed analytical applications rich, reliable data.